Custom medals
Why invest in custom medals as opposed to generic medals? At Trophy and Medal Boutique we believe in choice. It is well worth your while to purchase the generic awards if you will have to hand out many of the awards on a regular basis. When it comes to top performers however, you will want custom medals.
The athletes work hard throughout the year. They commit their time and skills to training for a particular sport. At the end-of-year awards we recommend generic awards for participation in sport types, but at actual events, you will want custom medals to reflect the specific event and sport. This will serve as an incentive to perform and provide the winners with something that will distinguish them from the other participants.
Show the respect that the athletes deserve by investing in custom medals for the particular sports. For team sports it will be perfect if you can hand out a medal for every member of the team when they win the league. When there is however, one player such as man of the match in cricket, you will want a custom award. If you have design in your head, simply share it with us and see the amazing end-results. We already have a comprehensive library of designs and can either adapt the designs to fit your particular idea or come up with a fresh idea from the start. We know it is a personal choice and as such we take special care in crafting items to fit your requirements.
Custom awards are a great way to boost the self esteem of participants and serve as incentives for others to also perform even better than they already are. Whether it is for a team sport or an individual sport, invest in custom medals if you want to reward above average performance. Contact us today for a quote and advice according to your particular award requirements.
Trophy and Medal Boutique
Tel: (012) 361-4865 | Cell: 084 428 1726
Custom made key rings
Custom made trophies
Custom medals
Custom sports medals
Events medals
Sports trophies